TJ's Stuff


Gone to a Better Place, Have I

Gone to a better place, have I

where I’ll never again have need to cry,
where pain and suffering are no more,
the place to which all spirits soar.
My mind is whole, my spirit is healed
and to my eyes, the Lord is revealed.
I’m here in the place where Love is King,
and no one thinks an evil thing.
Here with loved ones from the past,
including Christ, my joy will last.
So please don’t cry, and be so sad.
Instead, rejoice!  Be exceedingly glad!
Say, “Good – bye” with a happy sigh.
For gone to a better place, have I!!!

Copyright 1998 Thomas J. Hill

The poem is titled "For Beth".  This is the story of how it came to be written:

One Monday at work, Beth didn't seem quite herself.  I asked her what was wrong, and she told me that her grandmother had died over the weekend.  In the course of the conversation, she said,

".. she's gone to a better place...".

That stuck in my brain.

A few nights later, the "muse" hit.  I had to get up, go to the computer, and start typing.  God poured the poem through me.  When I presented it to Beth, she read it and headed straight for the copier to make copies for her family.  I have since presented it to several people.  I always request that they pass it on.  I hope you share it, too.

Take care and God bless!


When my Grandpa's death was imminent, I put this poem to music. As I did, I received these additional words:

I have gone to my Home up above

where the Spirit of Jesus surrounds me with love.

I have joined with the angels in singing His praise,

"Hosanna!  The Lord of our days!"

Dry your tears. Calm your fears.

Let your heart be glad.

Say, "Good-bye.", with a happy sigh,

for gone to a better place, have I!!!