TJ's Stuff


I’m thankful for my Mom and Dad, for Dennis, Dave and Dan,

for my Grandparents, all gone Home, Dolores, Dona, Anne.

I’m thankful for the times we’ve had, and times we’ve yet to see,

I cannot really put in words how much you mean to me.

I’m thankful for the in-laws and nieces and nephews, too.

They make the fam’ly grow in love with all the good they do.

For aunts and uncles, cousins, too, I thank the Lord today.

They each have given much to me in their own special way.


and not just on Thanksgiving Day, but all the whole year through

I’m thankful for the life I’ve had, the things God’s let me do.

I’m thankful for the love we share, the good and bad times too.

I’m thankful for the gifts God gave when he gave me to you!


I’m thankful for my Kathy and Molly and Ben too.

They brighten up my every day with little things they do.

I'm thankful God has made of us, a happy family,

and with His love to see us through, I know we'll always be.

I'm thankful for the friends I have, the old ones and the new.

The love and strength they give to me has helped me make it through.

I pray that someday I will find a way that I can be

as much a friend to each of them as they have been to me.


and not just on Thanksgiving Day, but all the whole year through

I’m thankful for the life I have and things that I can do.

I’m thankful for these special ones, my friends and family.

I’m thankful for the gifts God gave when He gave you to me.


I’m thankful for a loving God, the Blessed Trinity.

I'm thankful for the daily blessings He bestows on me.

My health, my things, my family, are all gifts from above.

My life and friends are more expressions of His boundless love.

I’m thankful for the sacrifice Christ made for us all

I’m thankful that He left for us an everlasting call.

I’m thankful for the knowledge that I’ll never be alone,

and when my time on Earth is done, my Lord will take me Home!!


and just on Thanksgiving Day, but all the whole year through,

I’m thankful for the joy I’ll have in what my Lord will do.

I’m thankful for the things I’ve been, and all I’ve yet to be.

I’m thankful for the gifts God gave when He gave life to me.


I’m thankful for the Gift God gave when He gave His life for me.


I’m thankful for the gifts God gave when He gave this life to me!